The Chronicles of AzzaNation: Dawn of a New Age
Copyright © 2021 Matt Mihilewicz.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to real persons, either living or dead are entirely coincidental and not intended by the author.
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-7776045-0-9
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-7776045-1-6
Edited by Jordan Lesko
Cover Artwork and design: Holly Hughes
Map design: Matt Mihilewicz
Map Artwork: Larissa Poho
About the author photo credit: Ryan Parker
Printed in the United States of America.
First Edition 2021.
Published by Mihilewicz Publishing
Edmonton, Canada.
Follow Matt Mihilewicz’s work at:
Instagram: @mattmihilewicz
This novel has been living in and out of my brain for over a decade. I am so excited to share this world and these characters with you, and I hope you enjoy the read!
Thank you to everyone who has listened to my ideas, read my early drafts, and gave me continued love and support throughout the entire process.
A special thank you to Lauren, Holly, Larissa, Jordan, Justin, and my parents Barry and Gisele Mihilewicz. You all kept the spark alive.
T he Universe is an infinitely beautiful and mysterious place. For centuries, humans have looked up at the night’s sky and wondered what is truly out there. Our curiosity has driven us into the arms of research and observation. We desire to know more—what it all means.
You only need to witness the wonder in a child’s eyes, when they see the billions of stars smiling down at them to know how magical and surreal the universe at large truly is. It’s filled with countless unexplained phenomena that we are desperate to learn. Spend a night out with the stars and the questions will permeate your mind: Are we alone? Are there other planets with life on them? If so, who are they—what are they like? How does life choose the species that it wants to advance—to adapt? Is there a reason for everything that happens in all the infinite worlds in all the infinite galaxies, or is it simply random chance that brings everything together?
All these questions are important in their own right. After all, without the question, there would be no search for the answer—and that would be a dull life. However, sometimes the marvels of the Universe cannot be answered. They must be left to the unknown, and all we can do is keep questioning—keep seeking out the truth, until the day, we have some slight peek into the unfathomable wonders that surround us.
These are the tales of one of those incredible wonders—a planet that resides in a star system near the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.
There are many things that are considered wrong about this world. AzzaNation was named as a place for unity and peace. The hope was that all species, from different worlds—from all the different reaches of the galaxy and beyond, could gather here and work to understand each other. No one could have predicted the wars and destruction that would lay waste to the hopeful planet.
An ancient being named Kahl once resided on this world. Some say that he created it, but many claim this to be a false rumor. Whether it is true or false that Kahl created the hapless planet, it is undoubtedly true that Kahl built AzzaNation into a place of peace and prosperity. Along with a species he created, known as the Angelics, Kahl built cities. He created order and fought with all his power and might to protect the planet and all its inhabitants, which he successfully did, until his death.
Many claim that before the first five species reached AzzaNation, the planet was a battleground between Kahl and Demons from another dimension. This mysterious dimension had a connection to the realm of death and it became known as the Fifth Dimension. The demons from the Fifth Dimension were described as Hell Beasts who wanted nothing more than to cause pain and destruction. In the ancient stories, it was told that the Demons would tear their victims’ limb from limb, while the unfortunate soul still drew breath.
So Kahl took his angelics and waged war on the demon armies from the Fifth Dimension. This brutal war lasted for millennia, until finally Kahl stole the source of the Demon King’s power. The Demon King, Groff, wielded a sword named Zabumura. This sword gave Groff the power of millions upon millions of tortured and tormented souls—for when the blade took a life, it devoured its victim’s life force and trapped them for eternity within the sword’s own essence. When Kahl finally got his hands on the demonic sword, he used it on its former master and killed the demon king, trapping Groff’s own soul within the blade.
After he finally triumphed over his nemesis, Kahl used Zabumura to send the rest of the demon army back to the Fifth Dimension. Once all the demons had been banished from AzzaNation, Kahl closed the portal that linked the two universes. He hid and guarded the locked portal in a desert within AzzaNation, in the hopes that no one would ever find it and unleash the evil that lurked on the other side ever again.
Kahl’s last great act before his death was one that influenced five major species across the galaxy to spread their wings beyond their respective home worlds. Kahl sent a message across the universe, riding the radio waves of the galaxy, telling anyone that could hear, that they are not alone, and that there is a world where all of them can live in peace. Tragically though, Kahl died before he could see anyone reach AzzaNation, but he left behind his angelics to watch over the planet and carry on his dream of seeing different people of all kinds live amongst each other in peace and harmony.
The Darthians were the first to answer the call. The tall, thin and spider like beings were always focused on furthering their technology. During their species’ evolution, they developed highly sophisticated cloning tech, and eventually lost the need to breed. Soon after, they became a people of genderless techno-masters—building massive space stations that could travel their section of the galaxy. They colonized planets and built mining facilities on moons and asteroids. Resource management and control became their main credo. They ranked themselves based on influence and wealth—whoever had the most, would lead the others unquestionably. Eventually, trading amongst themselves wasn’t satisfying enough and they moved further and further into the rest of the galaxy. In their exploratory and resource seeking competition, they encountered Kahl’s message. Since new contact with other species was unprecedented for the darthians, the leaders of the ten HUB space stations conferred together on what they would do. Determining that making new contact could mean new trade opportunities, they voted unanimously in favor of voyaging towards the far away planet of AzzaNation. After a hundred years of sailing through space, the darthians reached Kahl’s paradise and set up shop.
p; The bi-pedal reptilian species known as the Drakes came next. Their people had saw destruction on a massive level on their home planet Draconia. One race of their species known as the Fire Drakes dominated and enslaved their brethren for countless generations. The other races—named for which region of the planet they evolved from, were the Sand, Mountain, Ice, Water, and Forest Drakes. Tired of being oppressed by the ruthless Fire Drakes, the other clans rose up and waged a war that would last for generations. This time in the drakes’ history was known as the great Droghan Wars. Eventually, the Fire Drakes were wiped out, but not before leaving Draconia in ruins. In the drakes’ case, Kahl’s message was not just an invitation to explore the rest of the galaxy—it was a call for a new start. Knowing that Draconia was doomed, the drakes’ matriarch chose to advance their technology towards space travel, with the mission of reaching this new planet of peace and prosperity. Hundreds of years later, the drakes reached the infamous AzzaNation and were welcomed by the angelics. The reptiles went to work on making AzzaNation their species’ new home and built their own cities on the planet—crafting the royal city of KL’en, the desert fortress of Adras and the forest city of Qoraal. They began to live new and good lives…living in peaceful understanding with the angelics and darthians.
They were quickly followed by the tall and powerful Larions, who had created an Empire in their own sector of the galaxy. These towering humanoids, with their pointed ears and colorful skin, developed a warrior culture throughout their history. They were bred to be soldiers, all in service of the Larion Empire. To find a species that is focused on war and glory is not exactly rare, but what makes the larion people extremely unique is their connection to the elements. Claiming that their gifts are given to them by gods, most larions develop an ability to control one of the major elements. Some have the ability to manipulate water or move the earth—while others can control wind, lightning, or even fire. They train all their lives to master these abilities—which can be up to eight hundred years. To satisfy their need for conquest, the larions moved beyond their home planet and stretched their reach as far into the galaxy as they could. Once they heard Kahl’s message, they made their way to AzzaNation. Luckily, they agreed to live in peace with the other species, but they mostly chose to keep to themselves on the planet, refusing to make cities or settlements. They engaged in diplomatic endeavors with the angelics, darthians and drakes, but they were always at an arm’s length, and refused to call anyone a friend or ally.
Arriving with the larions, were a species that had served as slaves for the Larion Empire for centuries. Mysterious in nature, and with no government of their own, they were only referred to as the Shifters—named solely because of their ability to change their form into any type of animal or sentient creature. Unfortunately, their transformation could never be a perfect one, because their eyes would always remain a bright yellow. This obstacle had made it easy for the larions to dominate their people, and even after the empire had decided to abolish the practice of enslaving shifters, the yellow-eyed beings with no home were forced to work as lower-class citizens—until they were brought to AzzaNation. With a new planet, filled with freedom and possibilities many of the shifters took up residence on AzzaNation and started a new life for themselves. One filled with hope and opportunity.
The last species to receive Kahl’s message, and respond to it with action, were the Humans from the planet Earth. It took hundreds of years before the human public was aware of the message, and in that time, they destroyed their planet, letting it fall into chaos and ruin. Nuclear warfare raged throughout the planet, and sickness soon followed in its wake, resulting in billions of human deaths. However, from the plagued and radiated ashes rose an evolved humanity. A large faction of the survivors formed the United Humanity Alliance (U.H.A.). They built a series of colonization space-ships, in what was referred to as Project Odyssey. One of the first ships—the U.H.A.S. Exodus survived the long and treacherous journey and after a thousand years of voyaging the stars, the descendants of humanity arrived at AzzaNation. However, humanity had not escaped Earth unscarred, for some of the bloodlines had begun to show signs of evolutionary mutations. Some had developed mental and physical abilities, gaining access to powers that were only thought possible in fantasy.
Once the U.H.A.S. Exodus arrived at AzzaNation, they were welcomed among the other species. Humans became the last piece of the puzzle in making a unified galaxy. They immediately joined the Galactic Alliance—a formation of different representatives from each respected species. The GA was formed and hosted by the angelics, the proud winged guardians of the planet. Their aim was to deal with issues together, in a fair and democratic way. They wanted every species to feel welcome on AzzaNation—to follow through with the ideals that Kahl had fought for. And for a little while, it worked. There was peace on AzzaNation, and everyone got along with one another well enough.
But like the eye of a storm, peace can only last for so long.
Shortly after humanity arrived on the planet, war followed. And now, over a hundred years later, a sadistic human named Grindaull rules with a blood-stained iron fist.
Now this planet that once stood for hope, opportunity, peace and prosperity…is drenched in fear and pain.
Welcome, to the Chronicles of AzzaNation…
T he sun beamed high above the city of Newon, indicating that it was midday. The citizens of the small farming city moved throughout the town, in a simple hustle and bustle that drove their lives. As a city controlled by the human royals, they were responsible for a large portion of the food for the planet of AzzaNation. A collection of simple and humble people called Newon their home—true people of the land. They worked the fields, in service to their Regent—who in turn was in service to King Grindaull, a sadistic and volatile ruler. If anything was out of place, or if the food supply was mismanaged…someone would pay for it. Therefore, the people of Newon moved with haste in their step as they brought in the latest harvest.
Watching from a cheap hotel room was a human, named Leo Exe. A young man of only twenty-one, Leo already had a withered old look about him. His medium length brown hair was pushed back and was split just slightly off center. He wore a ripped and tattered leather jacket, with filthy clothes underneath. As he watched the streets below him, he let out a slight sigh of hunger and exhaustion. He held the dirt encrusted curtains open a sliver and peeked through the crack, his stomach grumbling at the sight below. He watched as the farmers brought their spoils from the day’s work to the city’s granary—each one of them, loading cart after cart into the storage buildings. Leo’s mouth watered as he fantasized about abandoning his crew so he could steal just one of those carts. He could make it last at least a couple months—maybe longer if it was just his appetite he had to satisfy.
He looked back into the room, at the crew of bandits he was assembled into. They had not been together long enough to warrant giving themselves a name, so they just referred to themselves as Darrod’s Crew—after Darrod Meeran, the man who brought them all together. Darrod, a forty-year-old grifter stood before a table, overseeing an assortment of papers and a crude three-dimensional model of the city, made from bits of wood and other random material. His hair was short and clean—as well kept as any noble officer. Leo didn’t know much about the gang’s leader, but he knew that Darrod was an intellect—a human raised under royal supervision with a demand to be the best and brightest. Intellects had to be resourceful and brilliant in order to survive the Royal Academies, because if their grades fell below an eighty-percentile average, they would be executed, for incompetence. The schools’ policy was a direct order from King Grindaull, and it had been the norm of the planet for human children for most of his reign—which at this point neared a hundred and five years. There was one way a human child could escape the torment of the Royal Academies, and that was by joining the Royal Military. Most who joined were ordinary humans with nothing special about them, except
a desire to sleep under a secure roof, and get fed warm meals. But a select few of the human population developed unique mutations. These humans were classified as evolved, and once they manifested their ability—which usually happened around puberty—they were forced to register with the government. Their lives would get uprooted immediately, and they would be taken from their families and placed into the Royal Military. Once enrolled as a military cadet, they were indoctrinated into the royal mindset, while the ‘normal’ soldiers were stuck serving as low-ranking guards and privates, rarely getting the opportunity to advance. The evolved soldiers were told that they were the best of their species, and therefore they had a duty to watch over everyone else on the planet. In reality, all the brainwashed soldiers became thugs and tools for their superior officers’ selfish and destructive delights, and they would take out their misplaced anger and aggression on those unlucky enough to get in their way.
It was a no-win situation for these young humans on AzzaNation. You were either brainwashed into becoming a mindless killing machine for the King and his officers’ agenda, or you would spend your formative years in constant fear—desperate to survive by putting all your attention into your studies. Of course, in the long run, an intellect had more freedom than an evolved or a pion. Once you graduated from a Royal Academy with your head attached, you were free to choose your life. Some would apply for command and strategic positions with the military, others would try to leave the planet—join an off-world mining company or another lucrative business. Most however, would be left scrambling to find work, struggling to earn enough money for food and shelter.